ava321 - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Jackson
Get a consultation from ava321 - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Jackson - no waiting. 5-10 years of experience in Western Astrology. I am a empathic intuitive third generation, Relationship advisor aka Love Coach. I would say my strongest ability is being clairsentient pertaining to anything. In am able to empathically feel and visualize a situation using tools such as grandfather clocks, flowers, energy crystals and medical scanning. I also love using my tarot and angel cards as one set of my tools and have had experience with flower readings and psychometry. I originally thought I was going to practice acupuncture since I trained in acupuncture and Chinese medicine for 3 years. In the end I found myself drawn to other forms of holistic healing such as the use and practice of energy crystals, reiki attunement chakra clearing and healing with sound. My energy crystals and self-hypnosis have helped me with insomnia as I am a certified hypnotherapist. With hypnotherapy I specialize in relationships, weight loss, anti smoking, phobias, pain management and past lives regression. There is also Hypno scream therapy which is similar to primal scream therapy from the 1970s. This work has helped me realize that we are all capable of creating our own destiny. That being said I want to help others. What I do: I act as your personal guide. Psychic Counselor. Soothing energy sounding board What I don't: I never interfere with free will. Ex: love spells. That kind of thing manipulates a person's free will and creates bad karma. Don't let other readers lure you into thinking they can bring someone back with a love spell. Granted it may work. However it will only be TEMPORARY and you may feel worse than before. Rules: Whether you're in a Free chat or a private reading with me please be kind and respectful. Anyone fighting with each other in a free chat or using illicit deragatory language will be banned and or, kicked out. If you decide to take a private reading and engage in inappropriate, offensive and abusive behavior in words or actions I will end the session without warning. Disclaimer: If you go to private with me what I will see will be the energies and happenings at THIS moment in time. Wait a week, a month,etc and free will may or may not intervene. Again our paths are written in pencil and not pen. With potential changes I have had people pleasantly surprised that the situation or person has changed for the better. I have had people surprised whether they are happy or not at a possible change of events. I am a messenger not a Sorcerer and cannot wave a magic wand to instill and force free will on a person or situation. On the other hand keep in mind in the whole scheme of things everything happens for a reason and we're never given something we can't handle despite how difficult it may be at the time. Blessings and love. Namaste.
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